Exploring Options
"When we are faced with unfathomable circumstances, it helps to explore our options with an open heart and mind. Reaching out to Graceful Journeys will help you discover a transition that is less painful."
In our journey through life, we encounter situations when we seem forced to accept circumstances that we did not anticipate. At these times, our ability to make clear choices may be clouded by emotion or outside pressures. Graceful Journeys can be a supportive presence in your life through these times.
Homebound: There comes a time in life when due to age or disability, you find yourself trapped, confined to your own space. Graceful Journeys will visit you in this space and offer stimulating conversations and activities along with opening your life to new possibilities through art, media and exercise. Graceful Journeys can also offer spiritual opportunities that respect the individual's faith tradition.
Chronic Disease: It appears that this diagnosis is becoming more prevalent in this fast moving world. How we learn to cope with the disease will determine our quality of life. Having someone in your life that will help you paint a positive picture that transcends the pain is imperative. Graceful Journeys is willing to work with you to achieve this goal.
Terminal Diagnoses: We are mortal beings and some day may receive the "Terminal Diagnoses" talk from our physician. How we accept or deny this diagnosis is up to us. We don't need to be alone as we struggle with trying to make sense of life. Graceful Journeys will be with you through this time to help ask the hard questions and support you to find your answers.